看奥运 学中文 LEARN CHINESE WITH BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS 3: 滑雪医生:高山滑雪赛道的幕后英雄 Ski Doctor: Heroes Behind the Alpine Skiing Tracks

看奥运 学中文 LEARN CHINESE WITH BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS 3: 滑雪医生:高山滑雪赛道的幕后英雄 Ski Doctor: Heroes Behind the Alpine Skiing Tracks

文丨宾宇轩 王睿 高山滑雪是冬奥会历史最悠久的项目,被称为“冬奥会皇冠上的明珠”。伴随着速度与激情,高山滑雪的受伤风险也很大。为参赛选手保驾护航的,是一群无论是滑雪技术还是医疗水平都十分过硬的滑雪医生。 Known as the “Jewel in the Crown of the Winter Games”, alpine skiing is the oldest event of the Winter Olympic Games. With speed and passion comes the risk of injury...
CI, PACS Hold Second Webinar on Traditional Chinese Medicine

CI, PACS Hold Second Webinar on Traditional Chinese Medicine

In cooperation with the Confucius Institute of Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippine Academy of Acupuncture, and the Philippine Association for Chinese Studies held the second installment of the webinar series on “Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) themed...